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Training and development customized for your team.

Training Methods

No two groups are exactly the same, so why should your training be? We provide a wide variety of training topics that can be combined and customized to suit your specific needs.

Guided Discussion
We utilize targeted questions to encourage active involvement from our participants. Opinions, experiences, and open exchange of ideas are the primary methods of engagement.

Formal Lecture
Our formal lectures consist mainly of direct discourse from the instructor. This format works best when presented to medium and large audiences.

Informal Lecture
Informal lectures feature questions, instructor-led discussions, and substantial interaction between the instructor and participants.

Virtual Sessions
Online and on-demand training options are under development. Connect with us to get updates on future offerings.
Click a topic for a summary of any course
Cultural AwarenessDignity and RespectEffective Communication and Active ListeningExtremismPerceptions Process and StereotypesPower, Prejudice, and DiscriminationPrivilegePrevention of Sexual HarassmentRacismSexismSocialization ProcessSuicide Intervention SkillsValues, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors